Jump. Fly. Land.

The Stories of This Vagabond

Category: Thoughts

  • Follow Your Heart, not Your Friends

    When I was a kid, I did a lot of dumb things.  I mean a LOT of dumb things.  I got away with most of it because first of all, it was the 70’s and early 80’s and people didn’t care as much back then.  I mean, c’mon, we were told to get out of…

  • That may be the reason, but it’s no excuse!

    If there’s one thing my dad used to tell me that aggravated me more than anything else, it was his response whenever I was trying to explain why I was late, or didn’t do my chores, or got a bad grade, or anything else I had done to warrant a lecture.  When I asked if…

  • A Million Little 4-year Olds

    Benjamin Franklin once said, “A penny saved is a penny earned!”  When I first heard this advice, I thought, “yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever grandpa!  That doesn’t even make any sense!  If I earned it in the first place, how does saving it make me earn it again? It’s the same penny!” I had already learned…

  • A Hearty “Thank You” to My Favorite Patron, “Yester”

    Everybody is a blend of three people – Past, Present, and Future.  Just like three friends walking down the street will have different plans and goals, strengths and weaknesses, so do the three versions of yourself. “Past You” is the person that existed until just before this very moment. I like to call mine “Yester”,…

  • It Takes A Village to Stand on the Shoulders of Giants

    You can be anything, but you can’t be everything. My dad If you look around, our world bombards us with advice on how to get rich, grow smarter, look beautiful, feel happier, and be better.  Growing up, maybe you had parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friend’s parents, teachers, coaches, nosy neighbors, guy at the gas station,…