Jump. Fly. Land.

The Stories of This Vagabond

Category: Dear Grandma

  • Strong First Day

    Strong First Day

    Hi Gram,Today was the first full day of the retreat, and we had a great time. It started with my usual morning routine of stretching, then I headed down for breakfast. I enjoyed a nice light brekkie with Matthew, Leisa, Annie, and Mark then headed over to the conference room for the first speaker. Joe…

  • Donuts!


    Hi Gram,I’m woke up this morning just in time to join the FinTalks call. I told everyone about the fun I’m having in Bali, and enjoyed the conversation about spending on events. After the call, Dash and I headed to breakfast at a new place. The food was, of course, phenomenal. We headed back and…

  • F I’m a Chef

    F I’m a Chef

    Hi Gram,I woke early this morning, excited to head to a cooking class with my friends. I was running a little late and I worried that I was going to miss it, but after a brisk walk I got to our meeting point. I seem to have walked so briskly, in fact, that I made…

  • Bikers


    Hi Gram, I woke up excited today because we finally got to the day of my planned biking excursion! After a quick morning routine, we headed out the door and walked to our meetup point. We all met at Teras, the restaurant in front of the Plataran hotel. I enjoyed hugging friends that I hadn’t…

  • Aerial Nourishment

    Aerial Nourishment

    Hi Gram,My internal clock must be adjusting because I was able to sleep in today, even if I didn’t intend to do so. I woke up late and within seconds I had a text invitation to have tea with Dash down in the kitchen. We chatted about our plans for the day, then I headed…

  • Woodsmiths


    Hi Gram,What a wonderful day we had! I got up this morning and did my usual routine and breakfast, chatting over my breakfast tea that David made me about our plans for the day. After tea, the three of us headed to pick up our laundry, then headed to Yoga Barn for an early lunch…

  • Coconut Ice Cream

    Coconut Ice Cream

    Hi Gram,I woke up early this morning planning on going to a HIIT class with David, but we both decided that we wanted to-have-gone, but didn’t feel like actually going. We opted instead for breakfast pizza and heading to yoga barn with Ashley. While she headed upstairs for some acupressure, we headed to a studio…

  • Titi Batu

    Titi Batu

    Hi Gram,I did my morning stretches and began my routine this morning, then called my friend Monica to catch up and talk about life. Speaking with her – whether in person, on the phone, or via text – always makes my heart sing and leaves me in a better mood for the rest of the…

  • Just Relaxing

    Hi Gram,I woke up this morning determined to have a relaxing day! I stayed in bed until a little after 7, then got up and did my stretches and started my morning routine. After breakfast, I sat at the computer to get a few things done and go through pictures. I spent the morning just…

  • Shave and a Scooter

    Hi Gram,We all got up early this morning so we could head down into the “9” to meet Stacey for breakfast. The town of Ubud is spread out, but the central part of town, where the villas and hotels and restaurants and stores are densely packed, is packed into a circle at the top and…