Jump. Fly. Land.

The Stories of This Vagabond

Category: Dear Grandma

  • Listening to My Body

    Listening to My Body

    Hi Gram,I’m taking this week off from my workout schedule, although I’m not really resting on my laurels. I got up at 5am and did a few things then went for a walk at 6am. When I got back to the hotel, I changed out of my sweaty clothes and made myself some breakfast. Whereas…

  • Mitte Mitte, Nuy

    Mitte Mitte, Nuy

    Hi Gram,I got up this morning and took my time because it was raining. Valerie told me that she’d leave some breakfast for me in the refrigerator at camp, so I walked down there once the rain stopped. Joe was sitting in the pavilion area when I got there, but I found that my breakfast…

  • Better Day by Day

    Better Day by Day

    Hi Gram,The past few days have been a bit of a blur. I woke up Wednesday morning feeling a little more lucid and healthy than I had for the past few days. I’m guessing that the antibiotics were working from my upswing in lucidity and energy. The day wasn’t exciting. More exercise, more chicken… I…

  • More Doctors

    More Doctors

    Hi Gram,I’m still not feeling well. My stomach has really hurt the last couple of nights so I went to the hospital this morning. Well, first I walked a few miles, then had breakfast, but then I went to the hospital. The walk was exhilarating and had more of the wonderful views that I’ve been…

  • David’s Last Day

    David’s Last Day

    Hi Gram,Today was our day to sleep in, but my internal clock still had me awake before 5am. Despite being wide awake, I refused to get out of bed before 7:30. When I got up, I started my new daily regiment of medicine that the doctor gave me yesterday. Between the vitamins and medicine I…

  • Being a Kid Again

    Being a Kid Again

    Hi Gram,I’m still not feeling great today. I woke up with a brick in my belly again and no energy. I decided to skip the morning walk and get some rest. When I woke up a few hours later, I didn’t have much more energy, but I know that just lying in bed all day…

  • Belly Pain Intensifies

    Belly Pain Intensifies

    Hi Gram,The past few days have been more of the same – exercise all day, complain to each other about being sore and tired, enjoy the great meals that Valerie makes. Today, though, my belly was hurting like I had swallowed a brick and I felt weak, not just exhausted. I decided after lunch to…

  • Trick or Treat

    Trick or Treat

    Hi Gram,I had a tiring day today. When we got up and walked to the gym camp, it was barely drizzling. I don’t like being rained on, but I told myself “at least it will cool me down on my walk”. We got to the pavilion to wait for our classmates and it started pouring!…

  • Week 2 Begins

    Week 2 Begins

    Hi Gram,Today was our first day of walking to camp from the hotel and it went well. We got there a little early, but had a good walk. The rest of the day went alright, except I was exhausted from not sleeping well the past couple of nights and sore, probably from my body not…

  • Rest Day!

    Rest Day!

    Hi gram,Today was our rest day and I made my best effort to rest! I woke with no alarm, although it was still early, and took my time getting going. David and I headed out to find breakfast and were surprised to find fewer options open on a Sunday than during the week. Sunday must…