Jump. Fly. Land.

The Stories of This Vagabond

Category: Dear Grandma

  • David’s Last Day

    David’s Last Day

    Hi Gram,Today was our day to sleep in, but my internal clock still had me awake before 5am. Despite being wide awake, I refused to get out of bed before 7:30. When I got up, I started my new daily regiment of medicine that the doctor gave me yesterday. Between the vitamins and medicine I…

  • Being a Kid Again

    Being a Kid Again

    Hi Gram,I’m still not feeling great today. I woke up with a brick in my belly again and no energy. I decided to skip the morning walk and get some rest. When I woke up a few hours later, I didn’t have much more energy, but I know that just lying in bed all day…

  • Belly Pain Intensifies

    Belly Pain Intensifies

    Hi Gram,The past few days have been more of the same – exercise all day, complain to each other about being sore and tired, enjoy the great meals that Valerie makes. Today, though, my belly was hurting like I had swallowed a brick and I felt weak, not just exhausted. I decided after lunch to…

  • Trick or Treat

    Trick or Treat

    Hi Gram,I had a tiring day today. When we got up and walked to the gym camp, it was barely drizzling. I don’t like being rained on, but I told myself “at least it will cool me down on my walk”. We got to the pavilion to wait for our classmates and it started pouring!…

  • Week 2 Begins

    Week 2 Begins

    Hi Gram,Today was our first day of walking to camp from the hotel and it went well. We got there a little early, but had a good walk. The rest of the day went alright, except I was exhausted from not sleeping well the past couple of nights and sore, probably from my body not…

  • Rest Day!

    Rest Day!

    Hi gram,Today was our rest day and I made my best effort to rest! I woke with no alarm, although it was still early, and took my time getting going. David and I headed out to find breakfast and were surprised to find fewer options open on a Sunday than during the week. Sunday must…

  • One Week Down

    One Week Down

    Hi gram,We made it through a week! I am so excited to have a day off tomorrow. This morning, we did a longer than usual walk. We walked over to a nice temple up on a hill overlooking the town. A mile of it was up a steep hill, probably a 4-5% grade, but that…

  • Days are Blending

    Days are Blending

    Hi Gram,I’m tired. The days are starting to repeat each other. Today started with a 4 mile walk at a brisk pace. We got another amazing view from atop a hill that we climbed, then saw a makeshift pond with snails on the beach. Nobody was around, so we don’t know if a kid was…

  • Fitness Hurts

    Fitness Hurts

    Hi Gram,I woke up sore and warm this morning. With no AC, it gets hot early but the fan in the room helps. We left a little early for our walk and did about 4 miles with plenty of hills and stairs. The rest of the day went much like the day before with workouts…

  • Today We Begin

    Today We Begin

    Hi Gram,Today was the first day of our fitness camp and I’m exhausted! 😴 I woke up early for our morning run, but luckily everyone wanted to walk. It was a quick pace and we went up and down a lot of stairs and hills, but overall I enjoyed the experience. It’s a great group…