Jump. Fly. Land.

The Stories of This Vagabond

Category: Dear Grandma

  • Dragon Temple

    Dragon Temple

    As the monster truck rally commercials used to announce, today is “SUNDAY, SUNDAY, SUNDAY!” and I don’t have any exercise classes. I remembered to turn off my alarm last night, so I slept in a little today – not much, it’s hard to sleep late here, but I wasn’t awake at 5am. I got up…

  • The Route

    The Route

    Hi Gram,Today was a good day. I woke with my alarm (reluctantly) and headed out on my walk. I’m finding that just listening to a podcast and walking on my own is more enjoyable than walking with the group and trying to come up with conversation. It’s probably lazier, and I should work on my…

  • Fit For a King

    Fit For a King

    Hi Gram,I had a good day today, but not much to report. I got things done but was dragging a little, just tired from the past few days. In the afternoon, I got up enough energy to leave the hotel, so I headed to get a massage to use up one of my credits. The…

  • The Dreaded Stairs

    The Dreaded Stairs

    Hi Gram,I had a good walk this morning. It’s one that I’ve done before with the group but today was my first time doing it on my own. I walked down the main road to the beach. Usually we walk up a set of stairs but the tide was in today and the bottom of…

  • Language Barrier

    Language Barrier

    Hi Gram,I woke up with my alarm this morning, then realized it was Wednesday when the group doesn’t walk. I was exhausted from being up late the last few nights, so I went back to sleep. I woke up around 7:15 just in time for FinTalks. We heard about cyber security and best practices from…

  • Massage Trade

    Massage Trade

    Hi Gram,Unfortunately after staying up last night for phone calls, I woke early again for my morning walk. I was exhausted and didn’t really feel like it, but that’s when you need a four mile walk the most, right? We saw some more cool views, including what looked like a parade float or similar decoration…

  • Listening to My Body

    Listening to My Body

    Hi Gram,I’m taking this week off from my workout schedule, although I’m not really resting on my laurels. I got up at 5am and did a few things then went for a walk at 6am. When I got back to the hotel, I changed out of my sweaty clothes and made myself some breakfast. Whereas…

  • Mitte Mitte, Nuy

    Mitte Mitte, Nuy

    Hi Gram,I got up this morning and took my time because it was raining. Valerie told me that she’d leave some breakfast for me in the refrigerator at camp, so I walked down there once the rain stopped. Joe was sitting in the pavilion area when I got there, but I found that my breakfast…

  • Better Day by Day

    Better Day by Day

    Hi Gram,The past few days have been a bit of a blur. I woke up Wednesday morning feeling a little more lucid and healthy than I had for the past few days. I’m guessing that the antibiotics were working from my upswing in lucidity and energy. The day wasn’t exciting. More exercise, more chicken… I…

  • More Doctors

    More Doctors

    Hi Gram,I’m still not feeling well. My stomach has really hurt the last couple of nights so I went to the hospital this morning. Well, first I walked a few miles, then had breakfast, but then I went to the hospital. The walk was exhilarating and had more of the wonderful views that I’ve been…