Jump. Fly. Land.

The Stories of This Vagabond

Category: Dear Grandma

  • Lucky Lucky!

    Lucky Lucky!

    Hi gram,I got so lucky this morning! I headed out to go for my walk. As I stepped off the elevator, there was the faintest hint of drizzle. Now, you know I hate getting rained on so I headed back up to the room to check the weather and steel my resolve. I psyched myself…

  • More Mobile

    More Mobile

    Hi Gram,I had a good day today. I usually wake up around 5am. Either my alarm didn’t go off, I turned it off in my sleep, or I slept through it. In any case, I woke up and checked the time, expecting to see that I was way early and saw that it was almost…

  • Stairs and Meandering

    Stairs and Meandering

    Hi Gram,I had a great day. I woke up and got some morning routine things done, then headed out on my walk. I took the concrete loop through the trees then up the stairs and slope. I took the narrow goat path stairs up then enjoyed the view before starting down the other way. I…

  • On the Assembly Line

    On the Assembly Line

    Hi Gram,Well, today is the end of November, another arbitrary marker of the passage of time. It’s hard to believe that I left America almost three months ago and have had all the amazing adventures that I have. I got up this morning – I woke a little before the alarm actually – and did…

  • Spicy Hip Openers

    Spicy Hip Openers

    Hi Gram,Wednesday is our slow day here, so I slept in a little hoping the sore muscles and neck would recover. I had a good breakfast, then headed to class at the gym. Instead of the usual body weight exercises, Klaus leads us through mobility exercises and stretches on Wednesday. I never want to miss…

  • Stairs, Stairs, Stairs

    Stairs, Stairs, Stairs

    Hi Gram,I woke up this morning before my alarm, feeling much better than when I fell asleep last night. I was glad, because I had a lot scheduled for today. Natiya joined me for my walk this morning, and I think she’s building up some stamina. She was able to keep up with me a…

  • Impossible Sandwich

    Impossible Sandwich

    Hi Gram,I had a bit of a lazy day today. I happily woke with no alarm, being that it’s Sunday, and lazed around for a little bit. Knowing I couldn’t just stay in bed or watch YouTube all day, I got dressed and walked down to Mitte Mitte with Natiya. I have been looking forward…

  • The Stairs Challenge

    The Stairs Challenge

    Hi Gram,I’m enjoying another beautiful day in paradise. I was heading out to walk when I saw Jo from my classes as we were leaving the hotel. We chatted briefly about a group trip to the night market on Sunday, then she booked it to meet up with the group. That woman walks at superhuman…

  • I’m Kneaded

    I’m Kneaded

    Hi Gram,I woke up this morning very much like I have before. I did some of my morning routine then headed out on my walk. I saw a nice sunset on the beach and was glad that the tide was out so I could walk a little farther. I did my usual breakfast and reading…

  • Luckiest Man You Know

    Luckiest Man You Know

    Hi Gram,I’m going to do things a little different today. Instead of reporting on my day, I want to tell you how grateful I am for the life that I get to live. All of my life, I’ve been a lucky man (well, I suppose for the first 10-15 years, I was technically a lucky…