Jump. Fly. Land.

The Stories of This Vagabond

Category: Dear Grandma

  • Sometimes I’m Dumb

    Sometimes I’m Dumb

    Hi Gram, Happy New Year(ish)!! The past few days have been fun, but nothing to write home about. I’ve done my usual morning walks, came back and had a lovely breakfast, wandered around town a little, had some lunch at a different restaurant each day (Tammak Lao was our favorite), lounged around the hotel, did a little…

  • Itty Bitty Car

    Itty Bitty Car

    Hi Gram,Today was exciting and terrifying in such a rewarding way! We got up and did our normal morning walk – where I got a pic of typical parking here – and breakfast, then headed over to rent a car for the day. We want to go see some sights outside of the main tourist…

  • Sunset Cruise

    Sunset Cruise

    Hi Gram,I slept well last night and woke with energy with my alarm this morning. Nattiya still needed a little more sleep, so I left her in bed while I took my morning walk. The weather was a little warmer even though I got an earlier start, which led to a pleasant experience. I even…

  • Simple Day

    Simple Day

    Hi Gram,It was rough getting up this morning. We’ve really been pushing it all day for the past few days, wearing ourselves out. The resulting exhaustion, a slight headache, the comfortable bed, and the cool weather made an ideal mix to resist the alarm. After hitting snooze a few times, though, I woke Nattiya and…

  • History and Lore

    History and Lore

    Hi Gram,My alarm went off this morning, but I instantly decided that today was going to be a rest day, shut it off, and went back to sleep. We got up around 8 and headed down to breakfast, where I had a delightful cup of tea with cayenne and sugar. Nattiya tried to stop me…

  • Big Buddha Day

    Big Buddha Day

    Hi Gram,Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas from halfway around the world! We got up early this morning with plans of great adventure to celebrate the holiday. The air was crisp and cool when we walked down the street past piles of vans and busses unloading tourists, all eager to partake in the ceremony. A proud…

  • Fish Pancakes

    Fish Pancakes

    Hi Gram,I woke with my alarm, then headed out in the brisk air for my morning walk. Nattiya stayed behind, avoiding the cold and catching up on some sleep. I took a right turn when I left the hotel, knowing we were at one end of the downtown area. A block or two later, I…

  • A Laos-y Day

    A Laos-y Day

    Hi Gram,I’m going to let you in on a little secret. I don’t always write out my letters to you on the day they happen. Sometimes I’m just enjoying myself, living in the moment, from the time I wake until I go to sleep. I start to write it out, then nod off and wake…

  • More! Temples!

    More! Temples!

    Hi Gram,There’s something that I know already, which is that if you’re getting up at 3:15am so you can see a sunrise, pack your bag and have everything ready the night before. Instead of doing what I knew I should do, I just went to bed last night, which is the reason I forgot to…

  • Temples Abound

    Temples Abound

    Hi Gram,Today is the day when we see what we came here for, Angkor Wat! We have been having an amazing time here already and so very glad this was our first stop. The first class hotel service, the fun of riding in the Tuktuks, all the glitz and showmanship of Pub Street, our morning…