Jump. Fly. Land.

The Stories of This Vagabond

Category: Dear Grandma

  • Virginia is for lovers

    Virginia is for lovers

    Hi Gram!I finished my drive to see David and Ashley on Thursday just in time for dinner! After a quick tour of the house, some time petting the dog, and putting my bike in their garage to charge the battery and keep it out of view from potential thieves, we all sat down to have…

  • Intentionally Uncomfortable

    Intentionally Uncomfortable

    Hi Gram,I checked out of the hotel on Wednesday and went looking for a grocery store to find some breakfast. I’ve learned as I’m traveling that restaurants aren’t my best option for every meal. They can be loud, the meals are often larger than I need, and expensive to boot. A better option is to…

  • Friends Make Life Better

    Friends Make Life Better

    Hi Gram!I had just finished getting my new phone at the mall and headed back to Decatur to have dinner with Monica and Zakia. They both live in Decatur, pretty close to one another, but hadn’t met before. I met each of them at a different CampFI and just knew they would get along. They’re…

  • Life Without the Umbilical

    Life Without the Umbilical

    Hi Gram,I got up this morning, excited to go try the empanadas at Buena Gente. Imagine my dismay when I arrived to find out they’re not open on Mondays! Not only that, but they don’t open again until Thursday, by which time I’ll have already left on my journey north. Monica and I have decided…

  • Nature, Bikes, and Happiness

    Nature, Bikes, and Happiness

    Hi Gram!Sunday was such a great day, following on all the great days of this road trip. I got up in the morning, did a few quick things, then headed to Monica’s. She already had the bikes out and ready, and we loaded up and put on our helmets. The ride through her neighborhood was…

  • It’s Greater in Decatur

    It’s Greater in Decatur

    Hi Gram,I had a great time visiting friends in Decatur and the Atlanta area. I got to town Thursday night and settled into my hotel, where I caught up on some phone calls and computer work and got to bed early. I brought my bike with me on my road trip, but I just threw…

  • Choosing Joy

    Choosing Joy

    Hi Gram,I’m back on the road again and wanted to tell you about all the amazing sights and experiences I’ve been having. I was in Illinois, and I was miserable. Well maybe “miserable” is a strong word, but I wasn’t enjoying myself, and I was getting stressed out. I had only been in Illinois for…

  • Home Sweet Pandemic

    Home Sweet Pandemic

    Hi Gram! We got home about a week ago, and we’ve finally (almost) dug our way out of the piles of mail and responsibilities that were waiting for us. We’re rested, washing our hands regularly, and following the news about this pandemic. I hope you’re staying safe and healthy! In our last episode, we had…

  • Gastown and Seattle

    Hi Gram! I apparently need to visit Tom’s family more often, or maybe leave pictures lying around so they remember what I look like. We knocked on their door when we arrived Wednesday afternoon as Elizabeth was headed out the door for an appointment. She opened the door quickly and said “listen, this isn’t a…

  • A Glimpse of Portland (Still Weird)

    Hi Gram! We had a great time in Portland, and discovered even more reasons to come back and explore more of the town next time. Monday morning, we slept in a little, then went down to the lobby for breakfast at the Econo Lodge. Some hotels have quite the spread for breakfast while others will…