Jump. Fly. Land.

The Stories of This Vagabond

Category: 2019

  • Headed up to Mammoth

    Hi Gram, The alarm screamed at us too early on Sunday morning, but we dragged our butts out of bed. We packed the car for our next adventure, said our goodbyes to our hosts, and headed for Old Sacramento. Zibby managed the music while I navigated and a few hours later, we were magically in…

  • Zibby Sees San Francisco

    Hi Gram! I’m so excited! Friday night, I went and picked up Zibby from the airport and I get to spend the next week and a half with her seeing as much of California as we can. Just as the plane was backing out of the gate to take off, they told her it was…

  • Visiting Oakland

    Hi Gram! I’m having such an amazing time! I was thinking yesterday that I only have about a month left on my trip, and that seems so short, but then I realized I’ve only been gone for about a month so far. I’ve had so many experiences and seen so many people, it feels like…

  • Big Trees

    Hi Gram! I was a little nervous as I turned out of their driveway and headed for the coast. I was so excited on the way there that it didn’t occur to me, but as I wound my way along the river, I was all too aware that I was miles from cell phone service…

  • The Beauty in the West

    Hi Gram! Sorry I haven’t written as often lately. I’ve been taking in so many wonderful sites and experiences with friends, and the internet connection was often slow or non-existent at times. The drive down from Portland was fun with songs blasting from the radio, hills and trees in the background, and clouds making every…

  • Let’s See if Portland is Still Weird

    Hi Gram! It’s been a few days since my last letter, and I’ve been busy having fun and living life! Last Saturday, I went to the Space Needle with Tom and the kids. It was very informative, reading about the history while we were waiting for our turn on the elevator. A lot of celebrities…

  • I’m Back in America

    Hi Gram! My last day in Whistler was just as wonderful as the previous two. Getting up early and hitting the lifts before the crowd showed up worked for me on Wednesday, so I decided to try it again. When I went to bed, every muscle in my body was aching and I was just…

  • I Need to Update My Scale

    Hi Gram! I had such an amazing day today, I think I have to update my scale that I measure happiness against. Yesterday, the skies were gray, there was a wet fog sitting everywhere, and the temperature was just warm enough that the snow that was falling instantly turned to water as it settled on…

  • Reaching My Dreams, Eh?

    Hi Gram, Well, we didn’t end up taking the kids skiing on Sunday. By the time we thought to look into reservations for classes and rentals, everything was sold out. The weather was a little warm, so it wasn’t a big loss. The kids and I decided to go to Family Fun Center, an arcade…