Jump. Fly. Land.

The Stories of This Vagabond

Category: 2019

  • Sunshine State, then Home!

    Hi Gram! I’m back home now, so this will be the last letter from my 2019 road trip adventures. In future letters, I’ll get back to telling you about my everyday adventures. I already have plans for most of this year between traveling, shooting video, attending training, and getting work done on my house, and…

  • Every Mile is Longer in Texas

    Hi Gram! You don’t really think about how big Texas is unless you’re driving through it. The sun is shining, there’s beautiful southwestern landscape all around, everybody you meet is friendly, and you’re having a great drive. Then the sun sets, the stars come out, and it starts to be further and further between towns.…

  • Sunshine and Cacti

    Hi Grandma! After a few weeks in California, navigating over what felt like every square inch, I pointed the car east and headed to Arizona for some much needed rest and relaxation. A head cold had started to settle in, giving me a sore throat for a couple days and a runny nose. I’d gotten…

  • Zibby Go Bye-Bye

    Hi Gram! We awoke both happy and sad. Happy because we’d had such an amazing time the last couple weeks. Sad because Zibby would be flying home to Chicago this afternoon and we wouldn’t get to see each other for a few more weeks. Happy because we were going to get tacos before going to…

  • More than One Tree in the Park

    Hi Gram! We woke up refreshed and decided to hit the road after seeing the big rock that we heard about in Morros Bay. We drove up to what we thought was the rock, saw some campers parked around it, and looked on. There was no way to get to it, and no placards or…

  • Seeing Friends and Tolerating Tourists

    Hi Gram, We got up in the morning and headed to breakfast with my friend Kevin who lives in Mountain View. His family and our other friends weren’t available on such short notice, so the three of us sat and recounted stories from college while we shared some great food. Well, to be honest, two…

  • A Guiding Light to Keep Us Safe

    Hi Gram! We’re having a great time. Every day, we get up early so we can take advantage of all the daylight, then we soak up every minute until we’re exhausted and pass out at another motel. The bed was so comfortable last night, we didn’t want to stir this morning. The hotel was so…

  • Big Trees (with Zibby)

    Hi Gram! Well, we finally made it up to the giant Redwoods! We stayed in Garberville, at the south end of the Avenue of the Giants, which is the name they gave to HWY 254. It’s lined with giant coastal redwoods and a great chance to see the big trees from the car. There are…

  • Garlic is a Girl’s Best Friend

    Hi Gram! You know you’re in love when you spend valentine’s day eating garlic and counting how many bridges we crossed. We woke up on Thursday morning, left King City, and headed up the 101 toward San Francisco. We saw a sign and took a quick detour to The Garlic Shoppe in Gilroy, CA. Who…

  • My Birthday in Cali

    Hi Gram, I woke up in Mojave, CA on my birthday to sunshine and warmer weather than we’d had the previous few days. I got up early and organized some things, then opened a present and card from Zibby. She made a cute little bear out of crochet, and wrote a heartfelt card. We packed…