Jump. Fly. Land.

The Stories of This Vagabond

More Doctors

Hi Gram,
I’m still not feeling well. My stomach has really hurt the last couple of nights so I went to the hospital this morning. Well, first I walked a few miles, then had breakfast, but then I went to the hospital. The walk was exhilarating and had more of the wonderful views that I’ve been getting used to. On the walk back, I saw a crosswalk that was apparently only for pedestrians with a little booty.

They saw me and did the initial admission stuff, then scheduled me to see the gastroenterologist later this afternoon. I didn’t have to wait days or weeks or months to see the specialist – just a few hours. I headed back to the apartment for a bit, but first I stopped at a grocery store for some bananas, then grabbed lunch.

I had to force myself to eat, I just wasn’t in the mood for anything, but I didn’t want to go without nourishment. In the afternoon, I caught the green truck bus back to the hospital and saw the specialist. He ordered some tests to be done right away, gave me some meds, then scheduled a CT scan for Saturday. I’m guessing that they want the antibiotics to do their work before doing the CT scan. Once I was done with the tests, I popped my first dose of meds and headed to dinner.

I arrived a little early, so Valerie asked me all about my experience and doted over me like a mother hen. My workout friends showed up and we had dinner, but I wasn’t very good at conversation and excused myself quickly to go lie down. Back at the apartment, I tried to distract myself long enough to get to bedtime, then happily went to sleep.




