Jump. Fly. Land.

The Stories of This Vagabond

Trick or Treat

Hi Gram,
I had a tiring day today. When we got up and walked to the gym camp, it was barely drizzling. I don’t like being rained on, but I told myself “at least it will cool me down on my walk”. We got to the pavilion to wait for our classmates and it started pouring! It rained buckets for the next few hours, so the three of us who were there just lowered the rain shades and hunkered down until breakfast. It continued to drizzle for the next few hours, but we just made mad dashes back and forth from the pavilion to the gym floor, probably one or two hundred feet.

Klausfit, the body weight exercises, were tough but do-able. I felt my muscles fatiguing to failure, but I felt competent in the exercises. Yoga was much better than yesterday. We had our good teacher, who led us through a flow of stretches and poses that challenged but stretched the body. The rest of the day was standard until Muay Thai. I’m not a fan of boxing, and the instructors know it. One of them asked me what I wanted to do, and I told him that I want to work on my balance. He gave me simple – very simple, simpler than I could believe, so simple I was a little upset that nobody else had told me – exercises and postures that made me feel so much more confident standing on my right leg. I practiced the postures and walking for the next hour and could REALLY feel my legs burning the whole time.

After class, I headed home to shower up then met everyone for a delicious dinner of ground pork and vegetables. The mosquitoes have been awful the last few days, so I ate quickly and headed to the mall. It’s 1.4km away, an easy walk which gave me a chance to listen to a podcast. I walked around the mall a bit, didn’t find exactly what I was looking for, then headed back. My original plan was to take the green truck bus home, but it was a surprisingly cool evening, so I walked it and enjoyed the exercise and city sounds. I’ve noticed that sign placement here is a little looser than back home. There are often signs just posted in the middle of the sidewalk, some dense enough to make it difficult to walk around without stepping into the street. Just one more difference to note in my travels. Back at the hotel, I downed my protein shake and headed to sleep.




