Jump. Fly. Land.

The Stories of This Vagabond


Hi Gram,
Today was another wonderful day. I was sweating profusely during all of the classes, since the heat returned a few days ago and the humidity is somehow 114% (not really, but the air is damp). Today was our day of rest, so I only walked 3.5 miles and didn’t do any stairs. Then I got back to the room, changed into a dry shirt, and participated in the FinTalks zoom call. As has become my usual, I finished the zoom call on my phone as I walked over to the gym then dropped off the call a few minutes early so I could get to class.

Klaus put us through the wringer again today with mobility training. I later found out that one of my classmates told him “everything on me hurts except for my fingers and toes”, so Klaus decided that we needed to stretch our fingers and toes. We worked on the hips a little too, and the stretches were good, but he was right – our fingers and toes were sort after that. The rest of the day was very much like I’ve had in the past few weeks. Breakfast and lunch were enjoyable, I got a little work done on the computer, Ana led us through an excellent yoga class, then I came home for a shower and nap.

Nattiya made sandwiches for dinner based on what I showed her yesterday, and she hit the ball out of the park. I really enjoy the rice and noodle dishes of SE Asia, the spices are delicious, the portion sizes are right… but MAN have I missed just eating a good solid sandwich since I’ve been here! Such a simple meal, but it really made me feel like I was home and pushed back a little of the homesick feeling that springs up every now and then. After dinner, we chatted some more about travel plans, friends, life, and other things then spent a little time “alone together” reading our books and staring at our phones on our own, with the occasional glance or brush of a hand. With big plans tomorrow, we decided not to push it and went to bed at a reasonable time.




