Jump. Fly. Land.

The Stories of This Vagabond

Fit For a King

Hi Gram,
I had a good day today, but not much to report. I got things done but was dragging a little, just tired from the past few days. In the afternoon, I got up enough energy to leave the hotel, so I headed to get a massage to use up one of my credits. The massage felt good, of course, then I headed over to talk with Klaus about future plans. We came up with a plan for the next four weeks – I’m going to walk on my own each morning, then do the Klausfit (bodyweight exercises) class each day. I thought about doing some other classes, but I have no interest in Muay Thai, and their yoga classes aren’t consistent.

After our talk, I went to a yoga studio nearby and learned about their classes. I’m going to start with their afternoon beginner class next week. Unfortunately, it conflicts with the HIIT class with Palapon, but working on my balance and posture is more important to me than having a six pack – especially at my age, I think the six pack days are well behind me!

Back at the hotel, I switched rooms to one with a king bed. With David gone, I don’t need two twin beds and would love to be able to spread out a little. I walked into the new room and it is so much better! The AC unit is next to the desk instead of the bed, so I don’t have cold air blowing on me all night. There’s room next to the bed for the lounge chair instead of it being in the hallway next to the bathroom, and it even has a foot stool and side table. The best part, though, is the king sized bed with plenty of room to spread out! Now I’m willing to sleep in just about any sized bed – I’m not picky – but being able to spread out is nice. I settled in and unpacked, then headed to the hospital to ask about getting a full body set of tests. They offer some packages for foreigners, I had heard, and wanted to find out about it. It turns out they’re having a special sale in a couple weeks and encouraged me to come back then to sign up. I thanked them for the information and noted it on my calendar.

I walked back to the hotel to drop off my backpack, then headed over to Tamarind market for dinner. It’s nice to have a variety of food types to choose from, then listen to live music while enjoying the evening breeze. I thought about heading to meet with some friends or checking ot the night market, but instead of heading out socializing, I went to the room, took a shower and went to bed




