Jump. Fly. Land.

The Stories of This Vagabond

Week 2 Begins

Hi Gram,
Today was our first day of walking to camp from the hotel and it went well. We got there a little early, but had a good walk. The rest of the day went alright, except I was exhausted from not sleeping well the past couple of nights and sore, probably from my body not having the capacity to recover without sleep. Our body weight class went well. It was the right amount of hard work without feeling unable. I sweat a lot, felt some muscle fatigue, but enjoyed it.

The yoga class though… we had the crazy instructor again today. We spent the class trying to figure out what she was trying to get us to do, and many of us sitting around while she tried to get one person to do a headstand or some other pose. Toward the end, I pointed out a pain in my abdomen as to why I couldn’t do the pose. The next 10 minutes would have been funny if it wasn’t so painful. She gave me a stretch to help it, which made my back hurt. Then she gave me another stretch to help with the back pain which made it hurt more. It kept going like that until I just couldn’t stand the pain anymore. We all headed to lunch, where I recounted the experience to those who weren’t there.

After lunch, I tried the HIIT class, but the back and abdomen pain was too much. I ended up going to see the massage lady, who worked me over like putty. The one very memorable part of that massage was that she was using a fiery oil which felt like tiger balm. She rubbed it into my lower back, hips, and abdomen as well as my legs, neck, and back. At different times in the massage, I felt like my butt, groin, legs, and head were each on fire! It was an intense experience, but I walked out of there feeling a little better. I went back to the apartment to nap a little, then joined everyone for dinner. Henry came by to see us and tell us about his diving trip that day. After dinner, I headed back to the apartment, switched apartments to deal with some maintenance issues, and joined an accountability group zoom call. Tired from all this activity, I headed straight to bed after that.




