Jump. Fly. Land.

The Stories of This Vagabond


Hi Gram,
After getting up early yesterday and hiking up and down the mountain, I was wiped out and slept in today! I finally got up around 8 and headed down to breakfast with Dash. Ashley headed up after breakfast, but David and I hung out and talked for a while. Around 10, I headed up to my room to send some emails and write a letter before heading out. At 1pm, I packed my stuff and walked down to the street, where I caught a Gojek scooter. It’s fun – but a little scary – riding on the back while someone else weaves in and out of traffic, squeezing between cars on two wheels. My driver deposited me out front, then headed off for his next fare while I called up the app, gave him 5 stars and tipped him. Once I put my phone away, I cautiously opened the front gate and made my way into the courtyard.

You see, I had an appointment with an energy healer. I was both nervous and dubious, but I definitely didn’t want to be late. A gentleman in the yard waved me in and pointed at a set of stairs past some smaller buildings. I made my way upstairs and communicated in my broken Bahasa Indonesian and her broke English that I was her 2pm appointment and she was the healer that I was here to see. I disrobed and lay face down on the table after explaining the ailments that I was there to see her about. She started by applying a little oil, then held both of my feet. At that point, I felt what seemed to be an electric current passing through me. The electricity ebbed and flowed for the next 30-45 minutes as she worked her hands up and down my body, drawing circles in some areas and speeding up or slowing down in others. Sometimes I barely felt anything, but others it felt so strong that my muscles would twitch involuntarily. At one point, her hands were cupped around my ears and I heard a sizzling electric current like the soundtrack of a mad scientist’s lab, all the while my teeth were rattling and I saw a bright light. She ended with her hands on my forehead, walking me through breathing exercises and self-loving affirmations. I could see a bright light and the outlines of her hands with what felt and looked like auras emanating from her.

When she was done, I rested for a moment before coming back to full consciousness. I laid my bill, then headed back to the street where I ordered a car to come take me back to the hotel. I wasn’t yet ready to balance on the back of a scooter. The rest of the day, I showered, napped a little, and took it easy. I went and got a couple scoops of coconut ice cream, then wandered up and down the road eating my treat in peace. I chatted with Monica for a little bit about her trip to Ireland and Amsterdam with her family before her flight took off, then chatted with Dash and Samantha while they had dinner. (I was still full from the ice cream). Once they finished their meals, we all headed back to the hotel and I went straight to bed.




