Jump. Fly. Land.

The Stories of This Vagabond

The Next Few Days

Hi Gram,
It’s been a few days, and I’ll be honest – they were kind of a blur. I was exhausted from all the travel and I had a bad case of vertigo for a couple of days that started on Friday at breakfast. Luckily, I had friends around me who understood and explained to the hotel staff when I laid on the floor trying to get the world to stop spinning. It was quite the spectacle as I lie on the floor, having a long, deep conversation with David about life, goals, dreams, and plans. I went up and rested for a while, then David and I went to L’Osteria, a pizza and Italian food restaurant that Stacey had recommended.

We split a pie and it turned out to be pretty good pizza. I started researching some fitness camps in Thailand, then headed to dinner with Amy, Kara, Dash, and Samantha. Dinner was good and filling, so I just went along with everyone to the Crepe place and watched them enjoy their dessert.

The next day, I laid low some more while I recovered from the vertigo. The world wasn’t spinning any more, but I was still exhausted from fighting it. It usually takes me a day or two to get back on top of things after an episode. I tried going to a yoga class, but the instructor was difficult to follow so I just went back to the guesthouse and read. Breakfast was delicious every day, though!

Sunday, I woke up and felt a little sick. I don’t know what it was, but it was nothing serious. Just a little under the weather and a case of the sniffles. Samantha moved over to our guesthouse because her original dwelling was moldy and gross. We all sat around and chatted a little bit, then I went back to my room for a nap. Dash and I had dinner at a nearby restaurant, then we all went back and went to bed early so David and I could get up super early for our hike, which I’ll tell you about tomorrow.




