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The Stories of This Vagabond

Just Relaxing

Hi Gram,
I woke up this morning determined to have a relaxing day! I stayed in bed until a little after 7, then got up and did my stretches and started my morning routine. After breakfast, I sat at the computer to get a few things done and go through pictures. I spent the morning just casually checking off items and talking to friends and family while the cleaners came and freshened up the house. I had a conversation entirely in Bahasa Indonesian with the gentleman that was changing the water jug, offering him the white sandals that I bought last week. I’m glad that he can get good use out of them rather than me throwing them in the garbage.

A little after noon, I decided to go for a walk and find some lunch. I set the yoga barn as my destination, put on my very comfortable sandals, and locked up the house. The sun was peaking out behind a scattering of clouds, giving us a bright, cool day with a gentle breeze as I walked down the road. The buildings were still providing a little shade, adding to the calm cool day. I passed the entrance to the yoga barn at first, but my spidey senses were tingling, so I consulted the map and turned around. I saw the sign the second time, high above the sidewalk between buildings. Once inside the compound, I looked around and took in the view but decided that I didn’t feel like staying for yoga today. I met up with Ashley briefly and she had just enough time to show me a couple of people doing acro yoga near the cafe before she headed off to her acupressure session. I sat and watched them for a while, letting me mind wander, then got up and headed back toward the entrance.

Along the way, I spotted a cafe across the street that offered lunch, which I was in the market for just then. I lounged in the comfortable bench seat while I waited for my meal to arrive, then dug in for some spicy flavorful goodness. The seat and surroundings temped me to stay, so I sat and browsed some notes for a while. Once I paid my tab, I continued along my way just feeling blissful and care free. Almost home, I spotted a coconut themed boutique that had called to me before, so this time I answered the call. Still full from lunch, I decided that coconut ice cream would have to wait for next time but I grabbed a coconut cranberry bar and a lippa (I think that’s what it was called), a layered square of coconut and chocolate as far as I know. I put them in the fridge when I got home to protect them from the ants, and headed upstairs to read my book. Ashley got home a little later and we chatted about her exciting day and my relaxing one. It was good to just lounge in the upstairs living room with a light breeze blowing across us.

Hunger started tapping me on the shoulder suggesting that I try the coconut treats downstairs. We headed down to the kitchen where I got out the coconut square and Ashley had some of her leftover pizza. The coconut square was a little odd. It was gelatinous and slightly difficult to cut into with the plastic spoon they provided. I’m not sure if that’s because I had refrigerated it, making it a little stiffer, or if it was always that bouncy and firm. It had a unique flavor that was enjoyable and fun. I probably won’t order it again, but I’m glad I tried it. After pizza and dessert, we agreed that we were both kind of tired and headed off to our rooms. I sat up and read for a while, finishing my book before heading off to slumber.




