Jump. Fly. Land.

The Stories of This Vagabond

The week Between

Hi Gram,
The past few days have been delightful for me to live, but not all that exciting for anyone to read about.

Wednesday, I slept in and recovered from the previous few days then met my friend Katelyn at a brewery for games. We were going to go for a walk, but the rain changed our plans for us last minute. We were going to play a board game or something, but the brewery was packed so we just shouted our life stories and details at each other for a while.

Thursday, Nicki had the inspector coming early so we got out of the house to give him the freedom to do his job in peace and headed to a coffee shop. I was getting a re-run of the vertigo I’d suffered the past few days once we got there, so Nicki helped me find a seat and carried my drink for me. Once the vertigo passed, I did a little reading and played catch-up on my computer while Nicki got some work done. Hungry, we headed to Qdoba for some rice and chicken bowls for lunch out on the patio, then headed back to the house once the inspector was done. In the evening, we headed over to Becky’s for a BBQ with friends and had a good time.

Friday, I got up early, did my brain exercises, had breakfast, and said my goodbyes to Nicki. I headed to the airport to pick up Barb, whose flight had kept getting delayed the night before. She finally asked them if she could just take the morning flight, and was glad she did. Her flight, scheduled to arrive at 9pm Thursday didn’t actually arrive until 3am on Friday! We chatted the whole way and got to know each other a little more than the cursory group conversations we’d participated in for the past year. We swung by Costco and Target, then headed to Amberly’s to help her with the last 3% of setting up she had to do before everyone arrived.

Finished with our chores, Alex, Barb and I decided to go get a little hike in before the festivities were to begin. We headed up the foothills near Boulder to a trailhead and parked. Enjoying the conversation and views around us, I didn’t even mind the light sprinkles of rain that fell on us for a few minutes at a time.

A mile or so into the hike, it occurred to us that we had been walking downhill the whole time, which meant the return trip would be a little harder and take more time. We left the trail for one quick spur before heading back and were treated to some amazing views. Imagine the surprise we all faced when we got back to the car and it took us less time to walk back uphill than it had on our downhill leg.

Emboldened by our time savings, we stopped at Panera for a quick snack before heading back to Amberly’s. I’ll tell you all about the FinTalks in-person meetup weekend on Monday!




