Jump. Fly. Land.

The Stories of This Vagabond

Just got to Salt Lake City

Hi Gram,
I just got to Salt Lake City, UT after driving most of the day.  The last few days have been packed full!
Last we spoke, I was helping Jesse pack up the rest of his Christmas lights.  When we finished up with the lights, we went and picked his kids up from school. It’s always great to see his kids, so I’m glad I was able to see them again.  We played some card games and ran around their backyard for a while before I had to head out for dinner and they went to swim practice.  I went and met my friends Amie and Renee for dinner, and it was so rewarding to see them!  I’ve known each of them for years, and it’s fun to hear how friends grow and change their lives.  Renee is studying for a big test for a new certification program at work.  It’s going to take almost a year, but when she’s done, she’ll be one of a few women in the country with her level of expertise!  Amie just moved back to Denver after living in Austin for the past few years, and just started a new job in an entirely different industry.  They’re both very happy with their recent changes, and we spent hours just catching up and encouraging each other with our changes in life.  After dinner, I headed up to my friends Mike and Omnia’s house, where I was going to spend a couple nights.

Thursday morning, Mike and I got up early and headed back up the mountain to ski and snowboard for the day.   The view driving up the mountain is gorgeous every time I take the trip, and this was no exception.  I like it when someone else is driving, so I get a chance to look around and appreciate the view.  The resort was a lot busier than we expected for a weekday, but we’re both experienced enough that we made our way to the back of the mountain where it’s less crowded (and more fun!). Since it was a warm day, the snow was good to ride.  A little icy at first, but it softened as the day went on.  Skiiers are typically faster than snowboarders, and Mike likes to ski fast! I tired myself out keeping up with him, but I love a challenge. We tried some harder runs than I typically ride, which helped me to build my skills.  After a few tiring runs, we stopped at a bbq restaurant at the bottom of the north peak.  I love sitting in a beach chair with a drink and lunch, watching people riding down the hill in front of me!  It feels like I’m a thousand miles away from civilization.  After lunch, we worked our way back to the front of the mountain and finished up the day with a fast run.  It was a great last day of riding in Colorado, but boy, was I tired!  We worked our way down the mountain and met up with Omnia and our friend Bruce for dinner. They’re all friends that I used to skydive with, but they’ve moved out to Denver in the last couple years, so it was great to laugh and catch up on old times.
This morning, I woke up early to meet up with Mindy, an author and podcaster I’ve been reading and listening to for a few years.  Her articles and interviews have helped me to grow my real estate business over the years, and it was great to finally meet her. We met for coffee, and talked about investing, helping people, and shared tenant stories.  I really enjoyed being able to talk with someone who understands real estate and investing.  After coffee, I got on the road and headed west!  The first half of the drive was grey and overcast with blowing snow, but about halfway through Wyoming, the skies cleared up almost instantly, as if I crossed a distinct line where the grey was behind me, and ahead of me was blue skies and beautiful tableaus and mountains.  That made for a beautiful sunset as I passed through a tunnel, crested hills where I  could see for a hundred miles, and saw more cattle and ranches than I could count. I talked to a few people, listened to an eclectic mix of music, and caught up on podcasts.  Around 7pm, I pulled into Salt Lake City and checked into a Super8 hotel for the night.
Tomorrow, I’m going to go snowboarding at Park City with my friends Timmy and Cortney. Timmy is more experienced than Cortney or I, so hopefully he’ll wait up for us when we’re riding tomorrow.  I know it can be a little awkward to wait up for people when our skill sets are unmatched – I’ve had plenty of days waiting for my friends who were slower than me – but I think we’re matched closely enough that he can blaze down the hill ahead of us sometimes and not have to wait for too long.  I’ve never ridden at Park City before, so I’m really excited to experience a new place!
Well, I should get to bed so I’m fresh in the morning.  Wish me luck tomorrow!



